22 September 2012

Itano Tomomi launches social networking site [Teamtomo]

AKB48's Itano Tomomi has launched her own social networking website [Teamtomo], which can be found at http://teamtomo.com

As explained on the site itself:
"Welcome to Teamtomo! This site is the new community for the limited people who love Tomo, so you should not enter if you cannot believe your loyalty into Tomo."
"Teamtomo is the social network in order to share contents like photos, links, news and your own creation about Tomomi Itano, Japanese famous female artist.

This site is designed and operated as a part of Revolver Community, that is developed by Revolver Inc.

Please feel free to upload your own contents as far as you are law‐abiding citizens, and show off your passion onto Tomo. Let's enjoy!"

You can sign up with the site itself, or login using your Facebook account. For those only looking for new official content, Tomochin herself, as well as staff, have posted new pictures, including the ones below. You can choose to follow certain users and have others follow you, like any other social network. However, the focus is solely on hundreds of pictures of Tomochin and comments on them. You can easily link any post you see on [Teamtomo] onto other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter as well.

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