Welcome to MELOS no Michi
an information and news blog dedicated to covering the latest news for: AKB48, SKE48, NMB48, HKT48, JKT48


AKB48 Is Looking for a Part-Time Member
Following OtonaAKB, AKB48 came up with a new form of temporary membership: part-time idol. Find out more about this new project here.
AKB48 Team 8 Makes Theater Debut
AKB48 Team 8 performed its first theater show on August 5. Get more information about the shonichi performance here!
SKE48 Announces 7th Generation Auditions
SKE48 is looking for new members and this time the fans will be part of the decision about who joins the group!
AKB48 37th Single Senbatsu Election - Final Results
AKB48 held its election for the 6th time and for the 1st time Watanabe Mayu won it. Check out the full results here!
Details on the AKB48 Group Pennant Race
The AKB48 Group teams will compete against each other in a new event, the AKB48 Group Pennant Race. Points will be awarded based on theater ticket applications, theater version handshake ticket sales and sousenkyo votes.
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27 February 2010

Goodbye Team K.

WE'RE THE TEAM K A little late but I didn't want to post this until I watched the LOD. I took 2 days to watch it completely because I had to stop in the middle as I was bawwwwwling too much. On the evening of 21 February 2010, last Sunday 6:25pm JPT, AKB48's Team K performed their 5th Stage [Saka Agari]. But this was different from the rest. This performance is K5's senshuuraku (final performance), and is the last time Team K will be performing together. After this they will be rebuilt with members of other Teams to form the NEW Team K. It's also the last performance for Noro Kayo and Ohori Megumi...
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21 February 2010

[Sakura no Shiori] Day 4, Day 5

[Sakura no Shiori] 4th day sales: 11,529Still good for 4th day sales. Total sales now stands at 293,039. Only 7k more till 300k! Their sure to reach it tomorrow. Lets go!Total Sales: 293,039[Sakura no Shiori] 5th day sales: 9,166And the sales for day 5 stands at 9,166. Down to 4 digits but who cares. They have surpassed the 300,000 mark! And in only 5 days! Congratulations to all the girls, the staff, Akimoto Yasushi, Iwai Shunji, and most importantly thank you to all the people who bought the single. Now the week isn't over yet, two more days remaining. How much more will it sell in the remaining two days? How high will it go? Will it be able to hold the 1st position? It's anyone's guess.Total Sales: 302,...
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20 February 2010

[Sakura no Shiori] Day 2, Day 3

[Sakura no Shiori] 2nd day sales: 34,294Well I knew this would happen. 34,294. Massive drop from yesterday's sales. 2nd day sales are lower compared to RIVER's 2nd day (54,049). But well their still at 1st place and that's what matters. I think they will stay in 1st place for the rest of the week. There might be a good reason for the lower sales though, online stores are pretty much sold out due to massive demand and lots of people have been put on backorder. However not all is bad. 90% of the sales now are from the general population who are walking into stores and buying. That's still quite good. Oh and AKB's FIRST PLATINUM!!! *Total Sales: 263,822[Sakura no Shiori] 3rd day sales: 17,6883rd day sales are still strong at 17,688. A little higher than RIVER's 3rd day (14,259). Their still...
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17 February 2010

[Sakura no Shiori] Day 1

Get yourself ready. I totally freaked out when I saw it for the first time. And from the reactions at the forums lots of others did too. [Sakura no Shiori] 1st day sales: 229,528!!!!! All I can say right now is YEEEEAAAAHHHH!!!!!! Not only did they break the 1st day of RIVER and the 1st week of RIVER, they almost broke RIVER's total sales up to now, IN JUST 1 DAY!!! 30 mins later: Sorry bout that. This is just incredible. I had to visit the Oricon site more than 20 times cause I didn't believe it at first. I was only expecting like 80k to 120k for first day, 150k MAX. For them to hit 200k plus...
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17 February 2010

[Sakura no Shiori] final updates

In a few minutes, the clocks in Japan will strike 00:00, and the date will change to 17 February 2010. For those who do not remember, that is the release date for Sakura no Shiori. The wait has been agonising, three long months since the announcement of a new single. And just days before the release date, we have the PVs for all the songs, the bonus videos, mp3s, plus all the bonus pictures. 1st place for Oricon daily rankings is pretty much theirs as there aren't much, if not any at all, competition from other artists. Will SakuShio be able to reach RIVER's record or even break it? We will see in 18 hours. Sakura no Shiori (Type A) [CD] 01. Sakura no Shiori 02. Majisuka Rock 'n' Roll 03. Enkyori Poster (Team PB) 04. Sakura no Shiori (off vocal ver.) 05. Majisuka Rock 'n' Roll (off vocal...
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15 February 2010

Volunteer writers wanted

Feb 12 2010, 3:50am OK I'm starting a new series of posts in my blog called [Know your AKB members: (insert member name)]. I'm not actually going to write this but instead inviting their fans to write it. Even though I follow all their threads in Stage48, I still don't know much about a lot of members, and I haven't been around that long so I don't know lots of happenings. Plus although biased, it tells us why their fans like her so much. Which is better than speculating reasons. So I'm looking for volunteers willing to write about their favourite members. It doesn't have to be a professional like post. Just a simple one on why you like her, some interesting things about her, loads of pictures and videos, those kind of stuff. Like the typical fangirl/boy posts, but with more detail and information...
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14 February 2010

Happy Chinese New Year, Valentine's Day, Singles Appreciation Day.

Since they all fall on the same day, I thought I should put all three in the same post. For all the Chinese readers in my blog (me included),Happy Chinese New Year or Gong Xi Fa Chai.Wishing everyone a prosperous year ahead. Lets bring the Year of Tiger with a ROAR from AKB's very own Tigers   (Note: Tigers are generally cats. Cats meow or 'nya' as it is called in Japanese. The girls above have 'nyan' in their nicknames, except for Myao and Amina. Myao probably came from meow, and Amina well you can't expect to leave my Oshimen out lol :P. And that's a cute drawing of a tiger by Reinyan...
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12 February 2010

Miyazaki Miho 1st Photobook: [SHINING SKY] , Maeda Atsuko 2nd Photobook: [Acchan]

Myao will be releasing her first Photobook, entitled [SHINING SKY] on 25 February 2010. The DVD will be released one month later on 21 March 2010. The title of the PB and the DVD was decided by the fans and picked by Myao herself. The release date is the same as Acchan's PB (below). The publisher TOKYO NEWS which is the same one as Yukirin's PB. Judging from the price it's probably a hardcover book. I am really excited about this. I have been waiting since I joined the AKB fandom for Myao to have her own PB and it finally came! This will also be the 1st Photobook I will be getting!!! Already preordered...
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11 February 2010

[Sakura no Shiori] updates: [Majisuka Rock n' Roll]

It's been a while since I've updated everyone on Sakura no Shiori (from now on shortened to SakuShio). It's less than a week till the release date! The moment of truth is approaching. Will this single be able to outsell or come close to it? Or will it be a failure? The wotas are split against this single. 8 out of 10 wotas do not like the song. However they will still probably buy it to show their loyalty, plus the 2-shot tickets. It all falls to the hands of the general public, specifically the graduating school students. Will they like it and buy it? Some sources say yes, some say no. We can only wait... Have you ordered SakuShio? If you haven't, do so now! Sakura no Shiori (Type A) [CD] 01. Sakura no Shiori 02. Majisuka Rock 'n' Roll 03. Enkyori Poster (Team PB) 04. Sakura no Shiori...
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08 February 2010

Request Hour ~Set List best 100 2010~ (Epilogue)

Sorry for the incredibly late post. I'm really sorry. I've been suddenly overwhelmed by work this past few weeks and probably will be for the next few weeks too. I barely have time to check the boards and catch up on AKB media. So sorry again that this post got delayed for 2 weeks. The Request Hour 2010 concert has ended. It was a blast following it in real time via IRC. By the way in case your wondering why I call it Request Hour instead of the usual AX2010 or similar, there is a rumour (or maybe already confirmed) that the building will be torn down sometime in March. Well I don't think AKB...
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