Welcome to MELOS no Michi
an information and news blog dedicated to covering the latest news for: AKB48, SKE48, NMB48, HKT48, JKT48


AKB48 Is Looking for a Part-Time Member
Following OtonaAKB, AKB48 came up with a new form of temporary membership: part-time idol. Find out more about this new project here.
AKB48 Team 8 Makes Theater Debut
AKB48 Team 8 performed its first theater show on August 5. Get more information about the shonichi performance here!
SKE48 Announces 7th Generation Auditions
SKE48 is looking for new members and this time the fans will be part of the decision about who joins the group!
AKB48 37th Single Senbatsu Election - Final Results
AKB48 held its election for the 6th time and for the 1st time Watanabe Mayu won it. Check out the full results here!
Details on the AKB48 Group Pennant Race
The AKB48 Group teams will compete against each other in a new event, the AKB48 Group Pennant Race. Points will be awarded based on theater ticket applications, theater version handshake ticket sales and sousenkyo votes.
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31 May 2010

Watarirouka Hashiritai 5th Single [Seishun no Flag]

31 May 2010 - Updated Tracklist Watarirouka Hashiritai's 5th single will be released on 30 June 2010. Titled [Seishun no Flag]. There will be a total of 4 different versions, A, B, C, Normal, and a DVD. First press gets a trading card. Some shops include in a free b2 poster. If this follows the trend of the previous 2 singles, Mayuyu will get yet another solo song. And another Photobook! Nacchan Yabai! I hope Ayarin gets a good position in the single. I liked her in AkKanbe Bashi. Seishun no Flag Release Date: 07 July 2010 Price: 1600 yen Seishun no Flag (Type A,B) [CD] 01. Seishun no Flag 02. Hashiritai GO! GO! GO! 03. Nantai Renai Kurage Musume 04. Seishun no Flag (instrumental)        05. Hashiritai GO! GO! GO! (instrumental) 06. Nantai Renai...
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31 May 2010

AKB48 to perform at Anime Expo 2010

Man this is seriously late. Really sorry. AKB48 will be invited as Official Guests of Honour for Anime Expo 2010. The event is held in the Los Angeles Convention Center from 01 - 04 July. The members will also participate in attendee panels, meet-and-greet sessions and autograph sessions. They will also perform live in the Nokia Theater (capacity 7,000) on Thursday, 01 July 2010. Nokia Theatre is the same place where they hold the American Idol finales. This will be their 4th concert overseas (not counting Cannes), and their 2nd one in the United States with the first being New York Anime Festival last year. Girls attending are:  A - Kuramochi, Kojima, Sashihara, Takajo, Takahashi, Maeda Atsuko, Maeda Ami K - Akimoto, Itano, Oshima, Ono, Nito, Fujie, Minegishi, Miyazawa B - Kitahara...
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30 May 2010

Maeda Atsuko, Shinoda Mariko, Matsui Jurina Photobook releases

Sorry for the lateness, school is really taking a toll on me and my fandom. Anyways I'll be posting all parts here for easier viewing and completion. Acchan is releasing a batch of PBs. It's a 3 part series taken in different locations. The first is in Hawaii, second in Tokyo and third in New York. Gotta say Acchan is looking sexy in those. Haven't bought parts one and two? Buy them now, and preorder part 3. Shinoda Mariko will also be releasing her 3rd PB. And it's also taken in Hawaii. Title is still subject to change but as of now it's titled [Shinoda Mariko Photobook]. Not wanting to lose out, Matsui Jurina of SKE48 will also be releasing a PB! Isn't she too young for this? Anyways its priced at 3,990 yen and it's 96 pages long. Kinda expensive. Title at this point hasn't been revealed...
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30 May 2010

Team B 5th Stage [Theater no Megami] Review

Two down, one more to go. Team B's new Stage started on 21 May 2010. Awesome stage, though just falling short of K6. maybe after more listens it will beat K6. Team B 5th STAGE [Theater no Megami] No.RomajiJapaneseTranslationSingers OPRomance KakurenboロマンスかくれんぼRomance Hide and SeekZenza Girls (Solo) M00Overture--- M01Yuuki no Hammer勇気のハンマーHammer of CourageTeam B M02Inseki no Kakuritsu隕石の確率Chance of MeteoriteTeam B M03Ai no Stripper愛のストリッパーStripper of LoveTeam B M04Theater no Megamiシアターの女神Goddesses of the TheaterTeam B MC1---- M05Hatsukoi yo, Konnichiwa初恋よ、こんにちはFirst Love, HelloWatanabe, Sato S., Oku M06Arashi no Yoru ni wa嵐の夜にはIn an Evening StormMiyazaki Komori, Suzuki, Sato N. M07CANDY~キャンディー-Kasai, Sato A., Masuda M08Locker room boyロッカールームボーイ-Kitahara, Ishida, Kobayashi, Hirajima, Chikano M09Yokaze...
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27 May 2010

AKB48 Senbatsu Election 2010 first results

The first results for the AKB48 Senbatsu Election 2010 is out. Only 2 weeks left until the voting ends. The second results will be released on 05 June, and the voting will end on 08 June with the final results announced on 09 June. The interesting thing about the Senbatsu Election is that the wotas don't just vote the member they want to support the moment they get the voting ticket. There's a lot of behind the scenes stuff happening before the wotas actually vote. One example was how Amina was ranked 15th place in the first result with only 327 votes, 694 during the second result but in the final result she got to 8th place with 2,117 votes. This is only the first result, and there will be a lot of moving around once the second results get revealed.  RANK   TEAM    ...
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26 May 2010

[Ponytail to Shushu] 1st Day sales

*AHEM* Going to let this picture speak for itself. [Ponytail to Shushu] 1st day sales: 354,403!!!!! Congratulations AKB!!!! To give a comparison, SakuShio 1st day was 229,528. SakuShio total sales up to now is 378,696. PonyShu 1st day smashed through Sakushio's 1st day by an epic 124k copies, but just missed outselling the overall sales for Sakushio by just 24k. The latest single from Arashi, the top selling male idol group, has 1st day of only around 230,000. My predictions were right about this single. At the rate AKB is going, 17th Single should sell at least around 400,000 for its...
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26 May 2010

[Ponytail to Shushu] Final Update + Review

One day left till the release date, and everything has been revealed to us. All PVs are below after the jump. Will Ponytail to Shushu outsell Sakura no Shiori? My guess is YES, it definitely will. Especially since the voting tickets for the upcoming Senbatsu Election 2010 , which starts on the same day Ponyshu is released, are included inside. And since most people are buying at least 2 copies (one of each type), it only spells awesome sales. What's more, the Ninki points for Ponyshu is 260.80! That's more than 100 points more than SakuShio! That's not all, the amount of copies shipped (to the stores, not sold) is 500,000!! My prediction on the sales for first day is at least 300,000, 400,000 for first week. It will be awesome if Ponyshu can finally hit the 500,000 mark. And a year ago AKB...
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21 May 2010

SKE48 3rd Single announced

SKE48 will get release their 3rd Single on 07 July 2010. Title still hasn't been revealed. What has been revealed is that there will now be 3 songs and all 3 songs will have a PV, just like the recent few AKB48 releases. Senbatsu will be 7 girls just like Aozora Kataomoi. Tracks 2 and 3 will be sung by the Undergirls and Theatre Girls respectively. There will be 3 different types, A and B and Theater ver. I'm expecting Senbatsu to be the same as Aozora Kataomoi. If it isn't then it probably shouldn't change that much. Jurina, Rena and Kuumin are pretty much confirmed. So far the only competition they have for their release week is Glay. SKE48 3rd Single (TBD) Release Date: 07 July 2010 Price: 1600 yen TBD (Type A) [CD]   01. Senbatsu 02. Undergirls Song A 03. Theatre Girls 04. Senbatsu...
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15 May 2010

Amina agency profile and blog

Amina's profile has finally been added to Atelier Duncan's Artist profiles. http://www.duncan.co.jp/web/profile/index.html http://www.duncan.co.jp/web/profile/sato_amina.html Have to say even for an Amina oshi, when I first saw that pic it took me a while to recognise her ^^;;. Embarrassing. Amina also got her very own Ameba blog. It's titled [Amina to Issho] (With Amina) http://ameblo.jp/withamina/ In fact as of time of posting, she has already made five blog posts. And I commented on all of them :D. She looks cute as always in her blog header. Good luck with your blog Amina! Whiteyuri has...
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15 May 2010

The greatness that is Team B has ended.

AKB48's Team B ended their 4th Stage [Idol no Yoake] on the 19th of April 2010. That's two teams down, only Team A is left. All members of Team B were present at the show. I shall not go into the details of the show because I'm really tired and my schedule is really shit nowadays so I don't really have the time. Instead I'll just do a post about Team B itself. Nothing special. Team B has always fascinated me. Although they are my least favourite Team out of the three (doesn't mean I hate them, their close behind Team A, and Team K is my eternal no 1), they are a wonderful team just like the other two. A number of people think that Team B is the lousiest Team because the girls in team B aren't featured as much as the girls in Team A and Team K. This is totally not true. The girls in Team...
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09 May 2010

SKE graduations

Yesterday evening, 3 of SKE's Kenkyuuseis have graduated from SKE48. They are Shinkai Rina, Handa Ayane and Mori Sayuki. The official reason is that they want to concentrate with school instead. They are graduating immediately and will not get any graduation ceremony. I really didn't expect this at all. When Rina and Sayuki got demoted to SKE to concentrate on their studies (check post here), I thought that would be all and they would eventually come back so Team S, or worst case go to Team E. I thought of the possibility of them graduating, but since they got demoted first I thought it wouldn't...
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08 May 2010

[Ponytail to Shushu] PVs

The full PV for Ponytail to Shushu was released a few days ago, and the PV preview for Nusumareta Kuchibiru and Boku no Yell. The full song of Boku no Yell and Majijo Teppen Blues have been released too. As usual, previews are after the jump to prevent lagging of the main page. A little reminder. The voting tickets for the AKB48 Senbatsu Election 2010 are included in this Single. For most of you, this is the only way to get the voting ticket (other ways include auctioning it or buying it from other people, and if you are a member of the AKB fanclub and other websites which are Japanese only). As far as I know, voting tickets are first press only, and some online websites are already sold out on first press. The results of the Senbatsu Election will determine the position of the girls in the...
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08 May 2010

AKB48 Nationwide Concert

AKB48 will be having a nationwide concert tour again this year. Tokyo - Yoyogi National Gymnasium Date: 10 July 2010 Performing: All Date: 11 July 2010 Hiroshima - Aster Plaza Date: 17 August 2010 Performing: Team A Timing: (1) Start 14:30 (2) Start 18:30 Osaka - Namba Hatch Date: 18 August 2010 Performing: Team A Timing: (1) Start 14:00 (2) Start 18:00 Date: 19 August 2010 Performing: Team B (1) Start 14:00 (2) Start 18:00 Fukuoka - Zepp Fukuoka Date: 23 August 2010 Performing: Team K Timing: (1) Start 14:00 (2) Start 18:00 Sendai - Zepp Sendai Date: 25 August 2010 Performing: Team A Timing: (1) Start 14:30 (2) Start 18:30 Sapporo - Zepp Sapporo Date: 27 August 2010 Performing: Team K Timing: (1) Start 18:30 Nagoya - Zepp Nagoya Date: 30 August 2010 Performing: Team B Timing: (1)...
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02 May 2010

[Ponytail to Shushu] Updates

First things first, the title is confirmed to be [Ponytail to Shushu]. The girls said it themselves. Online websites still romanize it as [Ponytail to Chouchou / Shoushou] though. And in case you didn't know yet, included in Ponytail to Shushu is the voting ticket for the Senbatsu Election 2010. Voting will determine the position of the members for the 17th Single. Ponytail to Shushu members (16 - 15 AKB, 1 SKE) Team A: Kojima Haruna, Shinoda Mariko, Takajo Aki, Takahashi Minami, Maeda Atsuko Team K: Itano Tomomi, Oshima Yuko, Ono Erena, Minegishi Minami, Miyazawa Sae Team B: Kasai Tomomi, Kashiwagi Yuki, Kitahara Rie, Miyazaki Miho, Watanabe Mayu Team S: Matsui Jurina Most of you probably know this by now, Ponytail to Shushu is full of bikinis. I personally have no problem with that, but...
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02 May 2010

Stage48 Senbatsu Election 2010 Results

Ponytail to Shushu will be released late this month and included inside will be the voting tickets for the AKB48 Senbatsu Election 2010. Voting determines the position of the girls in the 17th Single. Since a lot of us are not able to vote, z3144228 started a poll on Stage48 and Nihongogo to see our version of senbatsu.   Each voter will have 5 points and you are allowed to vote all 5 points to one girl, or split the 5 points into 3 and 2 for two girls and so on. And here are the resultsAfter the ju...
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02 May 2010

Team YJ vs. Team PB Results

Finally after 6 months of waiting, hogging the covers of PB and YJ magazines and nosebleeding us with awesome pictures, the competition has ended. On 18 April Team YJ and Team PB came together and the results were announced. For those of you who have forgotten, members of their magazine team will be pushed heavily and will appear in every issue of PB and YJ magazines until the competition ends. [Team Young Jump] - Kasai Tomomi, Kitahara Rie, Nakagawa Haruka, Minegishi Minami, Sashihara Rino, Kuramochi Asuka, Kikuchi Ayaka [Team Weekly Playboy] - Kashiwagi Yuki, Miyazawa Sae, Miyazaki Miho, Oota...
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01 May 2010

Masuda Yuka Solo Single [Stargazer]

AKB48's Masuda Yuka of Team B will release a solo Single on 28 April. The single is titled [Stargazer] and the song will be used as a tie in for the anime Ikkitousen: Xtreme Xecutor.  Stargazer Release Date: 28 April 2010 Price: 1300 JPY 01. Stargazer 02. Nanban koko no Theme ~Stargazer~ 03. Kunno Suru Tatakai 04. 献帝 no Theme (onnen~fukkatsu~shihai) 05. Sorezore no Omoi ~Tatakai no Yokan~ 06. Umachoo no Theme 07. Stargazer (Instrumental) 08. Stargazer (TV-MIX version) 09. Stargazer TV Opening video recording size (no romanisation of tracklist yet so kanji - romaji converter was used. Sorry) Buy Here HMV: http://www.hmv.co.jp/en/product/detail/3784575 CD Japan: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=ZMCZ-5537 YesAsia: http://www.yesasia.com/global/tv-anime-ikki-tousen-xtreme-xecutor-op-stargazer-japan-version/1022285297-0-0-0-en/info.html Official...
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