So, the list of confirmed members for AKB48 "Live" at AFA X were announced on Saturday night.
岩佐美咲 Misaki Iwasa
多田愛佳 Aika Ota
片山陽加 Haruka Katayama
仲川遥香 Haruka Nakagawa
前田亜美 Ami Maeda
秋元才加 Sayaka Akimoto
菊地あやか Ayaka Kikuchi
野中美郷 Misato Nonaka
宮澤佐江 Sae Miyazawa
河西智美 Tomomi Kasai
小林香菜 Kana Kobayashi
小森美果 Mika Komori
佐藤亜美菜 Amina Sato
佐藤夏希 Natsuki Sato
鈴木まりや Mariya Suzuki
渡辺麻友 Mayu Watanabe
Source: AFA X website
Since this news has been out for some time already, most probably have made their own predictions about units and such(including Melos who wrote his predictions in stage48 forums). Personally, I'm just gonna not expect anything so that I can be pleasantly surprised.
12 November, Friday, 7PM(doors open at 6.30PM)
Suntec Convention Hall 402
Special after the jump, do click ^^

I spent an hour drawing this with my trackpad, be appreciative lol >__> (originally the last box was filled with blood, and then I thought, too dramatic, and replaced it with tears.)
So yeah, the comic sums up my thoughts about it.
I was kind of demotivated after knowing the member list and wanted to sell my ticket. But that was silly, it's still AKB48 after all and it's so rare that there's so many Team B members attending(shin Team B is my favourite team). Besides, there's still Nacchi, Ayarin and Mayuyu who are in my current top 10!
I realised how much of a tan oshi I am in this entire thing....sigh, RIEEEEEE ;__; I'm trying to be positive, but the disappointment is still there, especially when Rie has followed AKB overseas everytime except for this one. I'm just gonna look forward to STGCC for Rie and hope for the best. And the same should go for all those out there who didn't have their oshimen in the list.
See you guys on Friday night!
Everyone is sad with the list, but lets make the best out of it. At least this is better than trios that they sent for the hong kong side. See you on friday, whoever you are. Lol..
nice comic. XD
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