I still don't have any applicants to fill up the SDN48 slot so if anyone wants to help cover SDN48 related news please drop me an email: melos125@gmail.com.
Hi there, my name shall be known as mayuyued and from a while ago joined Melos and his team on MELOS no michi as a writer. Well... am an AKB48 fan. Other groups I like would be JPOP groups like NEWS and soloist Mano Erina as well as Vkei group The Gazette.
AKB48 Oshimen: Watanabe Mayu (nick: mayuyu)
Please make the CG revolution! Vote for Watanabe Mayu for senbatsu :D
SKE48 Oshimen:Yagami Kumi (nick: kuumin)
please make her nya~happy!
STAGE48 member
Name: edmund
Gender: male
Age: 17
Birthdate: October 8th ,1993
Country of birth: Singapore
Occupation: Student
Favorite artistes: AKB48, SKE48, NEWS, The Gazette, Mano Erina
Favorite AKB48 Stage Song: B3- Pajama Drive
Favorite AKB48 Single Song: Iiwake Maybe
Favorite SKE48 Stage Song: Okami To Pride
Favorite SKE48 Single Song: 1,2,3,4 Yoroshiku
Here are some photos of what i own now.