Welcome to MELOS no Michi
an information and news blog dedicated to covering the latest news for: AKB48, SKE48, NMB48, HKT48, JKT48


AKB48 Is Looking for a Part-Time Member
Following OtonaAKB, AKB48 came up with a new form of temporary membership: part-time idol. Find out more about this new project here.
AKB48 Team 8 Makes Theater Debut
AKB48 Team 8 performed its first theater show on August 5. Get more information about the shonichi performance here!
SKE48 Announces 7th Generation Auditions
SKE48 is looking for new members and this time the fans will be part of the decision about who joins the group!
AKB48 37th Single Senbatsu Election - Final Results
AKB48 held its election for the 6th time and for the 1st time Watanabe Mayu won it. Check out the full results here!
Details on the AKB48 Group Pennant Race
The AKB48 Group teams will compete against each other in a new event, the AKB48 Group Pennant Race. Points will be awarded based on theater ticket applications, theater version handshake ticket sales and sousenkyo votes.
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12 January 2011

No Sleeves [no3b] Oricon Sales

No Sleeves' debut album was released on New Years' Day. As Oricon charts usually take a break during the first week of new year, we had no way of finding out how it was doing except for waiting.

Until finally on January 9th, the charts for the first week was revealed:

Congratulations no3b!!!

#1 position get!! The album sales are nothing short of stellar for an idol subunit group. I certainly am pleased because I had not expected the sales to be so good. I thought the high pricing might put people off, good job to the wotas and fans!

no3b's album outdid fellow OgiPro 5-person outfit Watarirouka Hashiritai's "Rouka wa Hashiruna!" which sold 32k copies in the first week and got as high as #4.

Also, today Oricon released the results for the 2nd week. no3b is at #4 with 20,723 copies sold.

I'm so proud of no3b.

I feel kind of guilty for not buying the album because they're my favourite subunit for AKB, but all my money has been going to buying BLTs and such ._. Coupled with film project budget and other things, poor students like me only get poorer. I will probably get the regular edition in the future, but not now. I'm a bad example, but I recommend all of you to buy it XD

credits: Oricon.co.jp, flagator21