Previously JKT48 held concerts in 5 big cities in Indonesia. A week ago, they started to do concert again. Last week's was in Batam. JKT48 held the concert on 19 October 2013 in Medan, North Sumatera, and I got the chance to watch, also to report it here.
M01 - Aitakatta
M02 - Kimi no Koto ga Suki Dakara ~Karena Kusuka Dirimu~
M03 - Kiss Shite Son Shichatta ~Rugi Sudah Dicium~
M04 - Baby! Baby! Baby!
M05 - Gomen nee, Summer! ~Maafkan, Summer!~
M06 - Tenshi no Shippo ~Ekor Malaikat~
M07 - Tsundere!
M08 - Kuroi Tenshi ~Malaikat Hitam~
M09 - Junjou Shugi...