Welcome to MELOS no Michi
an information and news blog dedicated to covering the latest news for: AKB48, SKE48, NMB48, HKT48, JKT48


AKB48 Is Looking for a Part-Time Member
Following OtonaAKB, AKB48 came up with a new form of temporary membership: part-time idol. Find out more about this new project here.
AKB48 Team 8 Makes Theater Debut
AKB48 Team 8 performed its first theater show on August 5. Get more information about the shonichi performance here!
SKE48 Announces 7th Generation Auditions
SKE48 is looking for new members and this time the fans will be part of the decision about who joins the group!
AKB48 37th Single Senbatsu Election - Final Results
AKB48 held its election for the 6th time and for the 1st time Watanabe Mayu won it. Check out the full results here!
Details on the AKB48 Group Pennant Race
The AKB48 Group teams will compete against each other in a new event, the AKB48 Group Pennant Race. Points will be awarded based on theater ticket applications, theater version handshake ticket sales and sousenkyo votes.
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30 June 2010

Seeing AKB in Anime Expo 2010

Schedule updated: 02 July I decided to be nice and put up a schedule for seeing AKB in Anime Expo. Since the AX thread in Stage48 and Nihongogo will be pretty busy and spammed the next few days, it's going to be difficult to keep track of the schedule. This will be updated whenever something changes. All data here is gathered from the 2 forums, just put together nicely and without the need to search through pages and pages of the forum. Also a reminder: learn the chants, claps, shouts, name calls, glowstick calls. The hardest is remembering the 3 chants, the rest are relatively easy. AKB doesn't have any wotagei, just follow the hand movements of the girls. Check out live clips of the singles on youtube to learn the timings. MEMBERS ATTENDING Oshima Yuko, Maeda Atsuko, Takahashi Minami,...
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17 June 2010

Watarirouka Hashiritai 5th Single [Seishun no Flag]

Covers Top Row: Versions A, B, C Second Row: Normal, DVD Seishun no Flag Release Date: 30 June 2010 Price:   Limited ver: 1700 yen   Normal ver: 1200 yen   DVD ver: 2300 yen Seishun no Flag (Limited ver. A) [CD] 01. Seishun no Flag 02. Hashiritai GO! GO! GO! 03. Nantai Renai Kuragekko 04. Seishun no Flag (Instrumental) 05. Hashiritai GO! GO! GO! (Instrumental) 06. Nantai Renai Kuragekko (Instrumental) [DVD] 01. Seishun no Flag (Normal PV) 02. Watarirouka Hashiritai Original Movie A (1) 03. Watarirouka Hashiritai Original Movie B (1) Comes with 1 trading card out of #58,...
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16 June 2010

SKE48 3rd Single [Gomen ne, SUMMER] updates

Covers   Type A, Type B Gomen ne, SUMMER Release Date: 07 July 2010 Price: 1600 yen Gomen ne, SUMMER (Type A) [CD]   01. Gomen ne, SUMMER 02. Shojo wa Manatsu ni Nani wo Suru 03. Pinocchio Gun (Theatre Girls ver.) 04. Gomen ne SUMMER (Instrumental) 05. Shojo wa Manatsu ni Nani wo Suru? (Instrumental)   06. Pinocchio Gun (Instrumental) [DVD]   01. Gomen ne SUMMER (PV) 02. Shojo wa Manatsu ni Nani wo Suru? (PV) 03. Pinocchio Gun (PV)Gomen ne, SUMMER (Type B) [CD]   01. Gomen ne SUMMER 02. Hazumisaki 03. Pinocchio Gun (Theatre Girls ver.) 04. Gomen ne SUMMER (Instrumental) 05....
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10 June 2010

AKB48 Senbatsu Election 2010 final results

Senbatsu Election Results are out! Who ranks where? SHOCKER INCOMING!!!Comment on what you think of the results and who you voted for, if you did vote. 1.  Oshima Yuko (31448) Melos: Woah now this is a shocker! I never expected Yuko to takeover Acchan. Even with the close results in the midway result, I expected Acchan to still pull through. Yuko is a better singer, dancer and entertainer compared to Acchan. However as much as I love Yuko much more than Acchan, I guess you can't change the face of AKB with another person. Well maybe not immediately. It will be interesting to see Yuko at...
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05 June 2010

MELOS no Michi welcomes KIEYUKU

You probably have noticed that I'm pretty slow on news nowadays. Not my fault. Blame my school. I'm pretty much burned out by the many projects and homework spam. So, new writer!!! Whoooo *party*. Less work for me then hehehehe. *party* Anyway, KIEYUKU will be joining MELOS no Michi and will now be helping me to help you keep up with the news. She's a Kitarie oshi so it will add some flavour to this blog too. Yay! So introductory post! Hi there, my name's KIEYUKU and from today onwards I will be joining MELOS no Michi as a contributing writer. Generally, I like Japanese female artists and...
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03 June 2010

AKB48 Senbatsu Election 2010 second results

Second result announcement. Only one week left to vote. Vote if you haven't already.  RANK   TEAM     MEMBER NAME     VOTES  01AMaeda Atsuko20966 02KOshima Yuko19465 03KItano Tomomi13440 04AShinoda Mariko13289 05BWatanabe Mayu12307 06ATakahashi Minami9983 07AKojima Haruna9252 08BKashiwagi yuki8709 09KMiyazawa Sae7683 10SMatsui Rena6419 11ATakajo Aki6357 12KOno Erena4766 ------------MEDIA LINE------ 13BKasai Tomomi4532 14BKitahara Rie4414 15KMinegeshi Minami4091 15SMatsui Jurina4091 17BMiyazaki Miho3369 18ASashihara Rino3357 19BSato Amina3227 20ANakagawa Haruka2726 21KAkimoto Sayaka2621 ------------SENBATSU LINE------ 22AOota Aika2332 23AKuramochi Asuka2278 24BMasuda Yuka1644 25BHirajima Natsumi1633 26BKomori Mika1430...
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02 June 2010

[Ponytail to Shushu] 1st Week Sales

"My prediction for 1st week still stands at at least 400,000. It will surely break it, the question is by how much." Damn this is impressive. A 159,050 rise after first day! Didn't expect this. At least not on the first day. It was obvious they were going to break the 500k barrier on the days leading to the end of the first week. Still, seeing this with my own eyes is is another thing.At this rate, 17th Single is going to beat 600k :) . Records broken: - Best first week numbers for a female group since Momusu's [Renai Revolution 21] (515k) released approx. 9 years and 5 months ago - Best first...
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