Welcome to MELOS no Michi
an information and news blog dedicated to covering the latest news for: AKB48, SKE48, NMB48, HKT48, JKT48


AKB48 Is Looking for a Part-Time Member
Following OtonaAKB, AKB48 came up with a new form of temporary membership: part-time idol. Find out more about this new project here.
AKB48 Team 8 Makes Theater Debut
AKB48 Team 8 performed its first theater show on August 5. Get more information about the shonichi performance here!
SKE48 Announces 7th Generation Auditions
SKE48 is looking for new members and this time the fans will be part of the decision about who joins the group!
AKB48 37th Single Senbatsu Election - Final Results
AKB48 held its election for the 6th time and for the 1st time Watanabe Mayu won it. Check out the full results here!
Details on the AKB48 Group Pennant Race
The AKB48 Group teams will compete against each other in a new event, the AKB48 Group Pennant Race. Points will be awarded based on theater ticket applications, theater version handshake ticket sales and sousenkyo votes.
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11 March 2011

[Sakura no Ki ni Narou] sales surpasses 1 million mark!

     AKB48's last million-seller single, Beginner, took around two months to reach a million sales. their new Single, Sakura no Ki ni Narou did it in just two and a half weeks! The charts update only to the nearest week however which is why this is kinda late.

First week sales: 942,479

Second week sales: 55,484

Third week sales: 24,519

Congratulations to AKB48 for another spectacular achievement!

     On the 5th of March, more than 22.5k fans(the most ever for an AKB handshake event) turned up for the first of eight Sakura no Ki ni Narou handshake events at the immense Saitama Super Arena. that's more than the arena could hold! (it's capacity is only 20k or so). It's a wonder how they managed to fit all of them in there!

Saiama Super Arena's exterior

     It was there that Oshima Yuko announced to everyone that Sakura no Ki ni Narou officially surpassed the 1 million mark for sales. A total of 16 members, essentially the Sakura no Ki ni Narou senbatsu without Kasai Tomomi, Matsui Jurina, Matsui Rena, but with the addition of Yokoyama Yui, 9th gen kenkyuusei Oba Mina and 11th gen kenkyuusei Suzuki Shihori, had participated in the stage event.

Sakura no Ki ni Narou also holds the record of being the fastest ever Single in Japan to sell a million!