Welcome to MELOS no Michi
an information and news blog dedicated to covering the latest news for: AKB48, SKE48, NMB48, HKT48, JKT48


AKB48 Is Looking for a Part-Time Member
Following OtonaAKB, AKB48 came up with a new form of temporary membership: part-time idol. Find out more about this new project here.
AKB48 Team 8 Makes Theater Debut
AKB48 Team 8 performed its first theater show on August 5. Get more information about the shonichi performance here!
SKE48 Announces 7th Generation Auditions
SKE48 is looking for new members and this time the fans will be part of the decision about who joins the group!
AKB48 37th Single Senbatsu Election - Final Results
AKB48 held its election for the 6th time and for the 1st time Watanabe Mayu won it. Check out the full results here!
Details on the AKB48 Group Pennant Race
The AKB48 Group teams will compete against each other in a new event, the AKB48 Group Pennant Race. Points will be awarded based on theater ticket applications, theater version handshake ticket sales and sousenkyo votes.
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03 July 2013

AKB48 Group Weekly News Roundup (24-30 June 2013)

- AKB48's 32nd Single is titled [Koisuru Fortune Cookie], release date will be 21st August.
- SNH48's Miyazawa Sae's request not to be a concurrent member of AKB48 Team K has been accepted.
- Shinoda Mariko's graduation performance at the AKB48 Theater is on 22nd July, Itano Tomomi's on 27th July, and Akimoto Sayaka's on 28th July.
- JKT48's Takajo Aki made her debut in Team B as a concurrent member. Her unit song is Namida ni Shizumu Taiyou.
- Omori Miyu also made her debut in Team B after receiving her promotion to the Team. Her unit song is Gomen ne Jewel.
- AKB48 and SKE48 will perform at A-Nation Idol Nation 2013 on 10th August.
- AKB48 sub-unit DiVA will perform at A-Nation Island Departure on 3rd August.
- Matsui Sakiko has started her own twitter account! Follow her at @skc1210.
- Katayama Haruka, Kikuchi Ayaka and Abe Maria will hold a handshake event in Taiwan on 2nd July.
- The AKB48 Kenkyuusei Janken Preliminaries will take place on 6th July.
- AKB48 [1/149 Renai Sousenkyo] Game will be released on the PS3 on 12th September.

- SKE48 and AKB48 will perform at A-Nation Idol Nation 2013 on 10th August.
- Matsui Jurina has suspended performances until further notice due to poor health.
- Team S's 3rd Stage [Seifuku no Me]'s Senshuuraku will take place on 10th July, and the new stage's Shonichi will be on 23rd July.
- Team KII's 3rd Stage [Ramune no Nomikata]'s Senshuuraku will take place on 12th July, and the new stage's Shonichi will be on 25th July.
- Team E's 2nd Stage [Saka Agari]'s Senshuuraku will take place on 11th July, and the new stage's Shonichi will be on 24th July.
- The SKE48 Kenkyuusei Janken Preliminaries will take place on 2nd July.
- And the SKE48 Janken Preliminaries will take place on 3rd July.

- NMB48's Official website has updated their members' profile pictures.
- Their 7th single [Bokura no Eureka], released on 19th June, sold 420,906 copies on it's first week, ranking 1st in the weekly chart.
- Kenkyuusei Ishihara Masako has graduated from the group.
- NMB48 Kenkyuuseis Uno Mizuki, Shibuya Nagisa and Morita Ayaka have have won the NMB48 Kenkyuusei Janken Preliminaries and will advance into the main NMB48 Janken Preliminaries.
- The NMB48 Janken Preliminaries will take place on 4th July.

- The HKT48 Kenkyuusei Janken Preliminaries will take place on 10 July, and the HKT48 Janken Preliminaries will take place on the same day.

- JKT48's Team KIII was formed, 18 members made the cut.

Miyazawa Sae's request not to be a concurrent member of AKB48 Team K has been accepted.
SNH48 2nd gen auditions are currently taking place.

- SKE48 graduate Kuwabara Mizuki has created a twitter account. Follow her at @little_mamy_19