Welcome to MELOS no Michi
an information and news blog dedicated to covering the latest news for: AKB48, SKE48, NMB48, HKT48, JKT48


AKB48 Is Looking for a Part-Time Member
Following OtonaAKB, AKB48 came up with a new form of temporary membership: part-time idol. Find out more about this new project here.
AKB48 Team 8 Makes Theater Debut
AKB48 Team 8 performed its first theater show on August 5. Get more information about the shonichi performance here!
SKE48 Announces 7th Generation Auditions
SKE48 is looking for new members and this time the fans will be part of the decision about who joins the group!
AKB48 37th Single Senbatsu Election - Final Results
AKB48 held its election for the 6th time and for the 1st time Watanabe Mayu won it. Check out the full results here!
Details on the AKB48 Group Pennant Race
The AKB48 Group teams will compete against each other in a new event, the AKB48 Group Pennant Race. Points will be awarded based on theater ticket applications, theater version handshake ticket sales and sousenkyo votes.
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31 December 2010

AKB48 in 61th Kohaku Uta Gassen updates

     As previously announced, AKB48 will be part of this year's 61st Kohaku Uta Gassen. 4 days ago NHK released the song list that the artists will be performing. AKB48 will be performing a [Kohaku 2010 AKB48 Kamikyoku SP]. A total of 130 members will be singing a medley of 3 songs: Beginner, Heavy Rotation, Ponytail to Shushu. Koda Kumi, and Wada Akiko, as well as ARASHI, NYC, Kayama Yuzo, Go Hiromi, and SMAP, will also be performing medleys.      This is not the first time AKB48 has performed a medley in Kouhaku Uta Gassen. Their first appearance in the 58th Kouhaku Uta Gassen, they performed Aitakatta and Nantetatte Idol together with artists Shokotan and Leah Dizon. Then on the 60th Kohaku Uta Gassen they performed RIVER Surprise Kohaku Remix, a...
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31 December 2010

AKB48 xHottomotto

「GO!カツフェア」or [Go! Katsu fair] enlisted AKB48 members' help to start a new image campaign titled Hottomotto. The image created by the uniform donned by the members portrays an image of people supporting those who are taking the examinations or supporting those who are working hard towards their dreams. From January 1st 2011, on air in the whole of Japan would be their CM. It would portray HottoMotto's bento getting consumed in places like the Television Station, concert venues etcetera by the girls mainly. There would be three versions of this CM: the [Go! Katsu fair] Version, the 「クリームシチューかつ丼」or...
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27 December 2010

Mariyannu is back!

Following up from our previous post about AKB48 Team B member Suzuki Mariya being ill, the latest update is that she has now recovered enough to return to idol work! :DHere's the newer post on her blog by her agency Dresscode:Thank you for your support.This is an announcement regarding Dresscode's Suzuki Mariya.She had to stop her activities due to poor health, but starting from today, she will resume them.Her blog updates will continue from today, as well.Thank you for your comments.We apologize for causing worry.We seek your understanding on this matter.Please continue supporting us.                         2010/12/27                         Dresscode CorporationSource: http://ameblo.jp/mariyasuzuki/entry-10749460410.htmlTranslations courtesy of maliciel.And finally the latest post on...
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26 December 2010

French Kiss 2nd Single [If] updates

     Some updates about French Kiss's new Single [If] that will be releasing on 19 January 2011. As previously mentioned, the song will be used as the theme song for the Anime OVA [Kyo, Koi wo Hajimemasu]. As with their Debut Single Zutto Mae Kara, If will include a special Drama Clip featuring the 3 members of French Kiss, as well as a new Digital Manga of Kyo, Koi wo Hajimemasu featuring the members voice acting parts of the manga. If will have a total of 3 Types: Type A, Type B and Type C.      As with Zutto Mae Kara, there will be a total of 4 different...
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25 December 2010

Sashihara Rino gets own TV show [Sashiko no Kuse ni]

     Continuing with the new shows, AKB48's very own Sashihara Rino will get her very own solo TV show titled [さしこのくせに] (Sashiko no Kuse ni). The full title of the show is [Sashiko no Kuseni ~Kono Bangumi wa AKB to wa Mattaku Kankei Arimasen] (Even though it's Sashiko ~ This program has nothing to do with AKB at all ~). She will be accompanied by comedian Tsuchida Teruyuki, who is also the producer, as the MC of the show. The show aims to train Sashihara into a full fledged idol by getting her to challenge various things. The show will start on 11 January 2011, the show will...
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24 December 2010

AKB48 PSP Game [AKB1/48 Idol to Koishitara...] Updates

AKB48's PSP video game AKB1/48 Idol to Koishitara... released today in Japan.      To refresh your memory, the game starts off with all 48 members of AKB48 coming madly after you. You then have to reject them one by one until there is only 1 remaining. The idol love simulation game featuring all 48 AKB members (pre-Erena graduation) came in a total of 4 editions. You can read more about the basic details of the game in our earlier post.      More details are now known about the game. Firstly, there will be paid downloadable content for the game by Bandai....
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23 December 2010

Suzuki Mariya unwell

AKB48 Team B member Suzuki Mariya has been unwell for over a week.The first sign of trouble started when after her 14th December post about being excited for Christmas, Mariyannu stopped blogging or sending out Mobame(Japanese mobile mail subscription), and her radio show was cancelled.Then on the 16th, Togasaki wrote on AKB48's official blog about Mariyannu's appearance on the 17th's Team B theater show being cancelled due to health reasons. On the 20th, Togasaki wrote a post about the members not attending Team B's Christmas day theater show, which with 3 other girls, included Mariyannu.On the very same day, Mariya's blog finally had an update; alas, not from herself but her agency.Thank you for always supporting us.Please allow us to report on our agency's Suzuki Mariya.She is now taking...
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23 December 2010

SKE48 mini-drama series [Mousou Deka]

     SKE48 will get their own mini drama starting 12 January 2011. The mini drama is titled 「モウソウ刑事」or Mousou Deka. It will air only in Nagoya every Wednesday from 24:40PM ~ 24:55PM.      The story begins with a cosplay battle held on a deserted island. The hotel owner on that island is murdered and the suspects are all the participants in the hall. As the story unravels, we would see more of the detective at work and it remains to be said whether Matsui Jurina or the Mousou Deka can solve the mystery. The 17 other SKE48 members are all suspects of...
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22 December 2010

Itano Tomomi Solo Debut Single [Dear J]

     1st generation AKB48 member Itano Tomomi is due to release her first solo single [Dear J] on January 26 2011, produced by Akimoto Yasushi. The details that are available now is that there would be a total of four different versions namely: Version A, Version B, Version C and one Theater version. Other than the opening track, the disc contents would be different for each version.      This is not the first time Itano is singing out of AKB. The first was Summer Lips, sung by a group of the same name which consisted of Tomotomo (Itano Tomomi and Kasai...
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18 December 2010

AKB48 5th Anniversary

On 8th December 2010, AKB48 celebrated its 5th Anniversary with a special theater performance that day at the AKB48 Theater in Akihabara.48 members within the three teams alongside with the kenkyuuseis and a number of the graduated members allowed for 82 of them to gather at that theater together.The opening song was sung by the original Team A when they debuted in 2005 8th December and it was Party ga Hajimaruyo!SETLIST (taken of stage48, Credits to Jasey from Stage48)1. (From A1) Party ga Hajimaruyo (Itano Tomomi, Urano Kazumi, Orii Ayumi, Kawasaki Nozomi, Kojima Haruna, Komatani Hitomi, Sato...
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14 December 2010

No Sleeves 6th Single [Answer]

No Sleeves' 6th single has been announced.The title is "Answer" and the release date is still unknown. The song will be used as the ending theme for anime 'Beelzebub', which starts airing 2011/1/9 on NTV.Not much is known for now, but I went to check up on this anime, never having heard of this particular title before. "Beelzebub" is an action comedy (click on the link for Wikipedia). I looked out for reviews of the manga, most people seem to like it and rate it high, so this sounds like it'll be a fairly promising boost for no3b's sales and recognition. This will mark no3b's first second entry into the Anisong industry.Personally, I am already getting excited just from the song title. It sounds so cool.Sou...
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11 December 2010

AKB48 Appearance at STGCC2010 updates

     Uugh this was supposed to be posted inside STGCC before the doors open.... BUT I COULDN'T GET A CONNECTION TO THE INTERNET D: . Big apologies to everyone. This is the final update. photograph credit to STGCC Member List: TEAM ATEAM KTEAM B Katayama Haruka Nakagawa HarukaMaeda AmiKuramochi AsukaUchida MayumiNakatsuka TomomiTanabe MikuMatsui SakikoIshida HarukaSato SumireKobayashi KanaChikano Rina Rules Please note that no photography, video and audio recording is allowed due to copyright issues on 10 and 11 Dec. No camera/video/audio equipment deposit area will...
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09 December 2010

New members added to Watarirouka Hashiritai for 7th single

UPDATE: Kikuchi and Hirajima have both blogged that the additional two members and the change of name to "Watarirouka Hashiritai 7" is only temporary for this next single.2 more AKB48 girls, Iwasa Misaki and Komori Mika, have been added to the Watarirouka Hashiritai lineup, bringing the unit's member count to 7. Wasamin and Komorin are in the same agency as the current Watarirouka girls, Ogi Pro.Watarirouka has also had its 7th single announced some time back, but there are no details as of now.Watarirouka Hashiritai 77th Single [Title TBA]2011/2/2 ReleaseCD Only | PCCA-03328CD+DVD A | PCCA-03326CD+DVD...
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08 December 2010

AKB48 19th Single [Chance no Junban] + 1st day sales

     AKB48's 19th Single [Chance no Junban] ((My) Turn by Chance) releases today on December 8. Just a little more than a month after the release of their record selling Single Beginner. Chance no Junban is AKB48's 5th Single in 2010. One interesting note is that the release date is the same as AKB48's 5th Anniversary.      For the first time ever, the different types of Chance no Junban will be Team based. There will be a total of 4 different types: Type A will feature Team A, Type K will feature Team K, Type B will feature Team B and Theater ver. will have...
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08 December 2010

New Writer: Miss Moonlight

Another new writer joins! Her name is Miss Moonlight and she will be in charge of the NMB48 posts. Miss Moonlight comes from germany. Treat her well. Still accepting applicants for the SDN48 slot so if anyone wants to help cover SDN48 related news please drop me an email: melos125@gmail.com. Hello! My name is Miss Moonlight and I am a 21-year old undergraduate student from Germany. From now on I am going to contribute to Melos no Michi about NMB48. I am a fan of AKB48 for about one and a half years now. It begann with Iiwake Maybe. I was looking through the Oricon ranking chart searching for new releases and I saw Iiwake Maybe on it. The title got me curious, I listened to it and then I was addicted. Since Iiwake Maybe my oshi are also determined: Akimoto Sayaka for AKB48 and...
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08 December 2010

Nittere kei Ongaku no Saiten Best Artist 2010

       日テレ系音楽の祭典 ベスト アーティスト 2010 or Nittere kei Ongaku no Saiten Best Artist 2010 is airing again this year. 20 artists are invited. This should be its tenth year running and the show is going to air on 15 December 2010 from 7:00PM. It would be a 3 hour run with special medley from the artists.      The hosts for this year's event are Sakurai Sho (Arashi) and NTV Announcer Shinichi Hatori and Yukari Nishio. AKB48 made it to the list of invited guests alongside popular groups such as Arashi, KAT-TUN, Koda Kumi, Perfume and NEWS. NTV’s official site...
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08 December 2010

New Writer: Mayuyued

     Another new writer joins! Mayuyued is a Mayuyu oshi (obviously) and he will be helping me keep track of the AKB48 and SKE48 news. He already has some experience in this field so it will be a great help for the blog. I have known him for some time already as he is a fellow member of SGP48.     I still don't have any applicants to fill up the SDN48 slot so if anyone wants to help cover SDN48 related news please drop me an email: melos125@gmail.com.     Hi there, my name shall be known as mayuyued and from a while ago joined Melos and his team on MELOS no michi as a writer. Well... am an AKB48 fan. Other groups I like would be JPOP groups like NEWS and soloist Mano Erina as well as Vkei group The Gazet...
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07 December 2010

NMB48 announces stage debut

NMB48, AKB48's Osaka-based sister group, which made their public debut on 9 October, held a press conference on December 4 announcing their 1st Stage. They will start off on New Year's Day 2011 at the NMB48 Theater, which has been 'Base Yoshimoto' , a theater of the entertainment agency Yoshimoto Kogyo, until December 3. NMB48's Team N's 1st stage itself will be a remake of Team A's 3rd stage [Dareka no Tame ni], performed back in 2006~2007 and the girls will be performing about 2 hours every day. Dareka no Tame ni has brought quite a number of still popular songs including Bird, ranked 10th...
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07 December 2010

Sashihara Project

     Shukan AKB, a TV programme on AKB48, recently started and activated a new project. This project is known as Sashihara Project as the main focus of this project was the AKB48 Team A member Sashihara Rino or known by members as Sasshi. She currently owns an Ameba Burogu named “指原クオリティー (Sashihara Quality)” which is on the same server as fellow Team A member Maeda Atsuko and other AKB48 members such as Oshima Yuko. This would be the link to her blog: http://ameblo.jp/sashihara-rin...
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06 December 2010

SKE48 Team E formed, Team KII has member changes

     Just announced earlier today on the SKE48 Official Website, Team E has finally been formed, while Team KII has a few member swaps. The member profiles have been updated as well. (The sites may be slow or not loading due to heavy traffic, be patient.) Team E 磯原杏華(2nd gen)Isohara Kyoka, 13 上野圭澄(3rd gen)Ueno Kasumi, 13 梅本まどか(4th gen)Umemoto Madoka, 18 金子栞(4th gen)Kaneko Shiori, 15 木本花音(4th gen)Kimoto Kanon, 13 小林亜実(4th gen)Kobayashi Ami, 17 酒井萌衣(4th gen)Sakai Mei, 13 柴田阿弥(4th gen)Shibata Aya, 17 高木由麻奈(4th gen)Takagi Yumana, 17 竹内舞(4th gen)Takeuchi Mai, 17 都築里佳(4th gen)Tsuzuki Rika, 14 中村優花(4th gen)Nakamura Yuka, 13 原望奈美(4th gen)Hara Minami, 14 間野春香(2nd gen)Mano Haruka, 13 山下ゆかり(4th gen)Yamashita Yukari, 14 山田恵里伽(3rd gen)Yamada Erika, 14 Promoted to Team KII 阿比留李帆 (2nd...
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04 December 2010

MELOS no Michi Upgrade + We're hiring

     Hello all. As you guys can see, I rolled in a new theme for the blog. I thought that the old theme was getting boring and plain. And the banner was getting old too. So I spent the past few days playing around with the CSS and HTML (mind you I have very little knowledge and experience in these stuff). Reason why it took so long was because of all the small details like the alignment stuff, as well as choosing the color scheme.      Do note that the new blog theme is still in beta as I am still trying to fix some of the new stuff. If you have any suggestions please comment or email me. Changes: New banner  They say that fashion changes over time. And not even the shirt worn by the great Acchan could survive the test of time. "MY SEDIMENTS...
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30 November 2010

French Kiss 2nd Single [If]

     French Kiss will be releasing their 2nd Single on 19 January 2011. Titled [If], the song will be used as the theme song for the Anime OVA [Kyo, Koi wo Hajimemasu]. As with their Debut Single Zutto Mae Kara, the Single will include a special Drama Clip featuring the 3 members of French Kiss, as well as a new Digital Manga of Kyo, Koi wo Hajimemasu featuring the members voice acting parts of the manga.      Just like their previous Single, If will have a total of 3 Types: Type A, Type B and Type C. There are a total of 3 coupling songs, one on each...
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30 November 2010

AKB48 'live' in AFA X (Singapore) Experience - Part 3

     The final part of this 3 part series documenting my AKB48 experience at the recent AKB48 'live' in AFA X. Part 3 will cover the post event activities and the review. Part 1: http://melosnomichi.blogspot.com/2010/11/akb48-live-in-afa-x-singapore.html Part 2: http://melosnomichi.blogspot.com/2010/11/akb48-live-in-afa-x-singapore_27.html image credit to supermerlion more after the j...
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29 November 2010

AKB48 at STGCC Member List & Updates (Singapore)

STGCC has announced the member list earlier this evening. It's legend- waitforit -ary! So because I'm busy, I gave you a screenshot of it. >_> Quick summary of the member list: - It's Chance no Junban senbatsu without the girls who overlap into Beginner senbatsu. - I'm surprised they really sent the Junban senbatsu because the release date is close with the STGCC date, thought they'd have promoting to do... - No Beginner senbatsu, but expected because those girls are scheduled for handshake sessions in Japan on 11 and 12th, making it impossible for them to come here. - Which means no...
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27 November 2010

AKB48 invited to 61th Kohaku Uta Gassen

     Kohaku Uta Gassen is an annual music show broadcasted by NHK that airs on New Years Eve. It is the biggest and highest rated music event of the year where famous artists are invited to perform. The title of the show literally translates into "Red and White Song Battle" and as the title suggests, participating artists are separated into Red Team (Aka-gumi) and White Team (Shiro-gumi) and they will compete against each other. The Red Team is composed of female artists and the White Team is composed of male artists (in a mixed group the lead vocalist will determine their Team). Kohaku attendance is strictly by invite and only the most popular artists are invited.      NHK revealed the participants for the 61st Kohaku Uta Gassen 2 days ago. As expected...
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27 November 2010

AKB48 'live' in AFA X (Singapore) Experience - Part 2

     Part 2 of the 3 part series documenting my AKB48 experience at the recent AKB48 'live' in AFA X. Part 2 will cover the Cool Japan Forum and the AKB48 Concert. I'm going to post the concert setlist before the jump for easier reference 00. Overture 01. RIVER 02. Oogoe Diamond 03. Aitakatta Introduction MC 04. Pajama Drive (Nakagawa, Watanabe, Katayama) 05. Candy (Komori, Kasai, Sato A) 06. Kimi wa Pegasus (Akimoto, Sato N, Miyazawa, Iwasa) MC 07. 10nen Zakura 08. Iiwake Maybe 09. Hikoukigumo MC 10. Heavy Rotation ENCORE 11. Beginner 12. Ponytail to Shushu Part 1: http://melosnomichi.blogspot.com/2010/11/akb48-live-in-afa-x-singapore.html Part 3: http://melosnomichi.blogspot.com/2010/11/akb48-live-in-afa-x-singapore_30.html more after the ju...
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27 November 2010

No Sleeves Debut Album [no3b]

Updated 5 December: Setlists addedUpdated 27 November: Covers added and some tracks confirmedUpdated 23 September: Kimishika has been added to tracklistUpdated 17 September: Release date confirmed.Covers Top L-R: Version A, B, CBottom L-R: Limited CD+DVD, Regular CD-only editionThe title of the album is "No Sleeves". No surprise there. Their first 4 singles' title tracks Relax!, Tane, Kiss no Ryuusei and Lie will be on the album, as well as remix versions of no3b's Mendol drama songs Christmas Present and 3seconds.There will also be a surprise inclusion of Team A stage songs Junai no Crescendo...
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19 November 2010

AKB48 'live' in AFA X (Singapore) Experience - Part 1

     Hello everyone. This is the first of 3 parts of my AKB48 experience post in Singapore at the recent AKB48 'live' in AFA X. Part 1 will cover the pre concert activities which include Ticket Collection and Arrival. Part 2 will cover the Cool Japan Forum and the AKB48 Concert. And finally part 3 will consist of their departure and final review. Sorry that this took a really long time, I am still having AKB depression and can't write a full post without feeling depressed again. Part 2: http://melosnomichi.blogspot.com/2010/11/akb48-live-in-afa-x-singapore_27.html Part 3: http://melosnomichi.blogspot.com/2010/11/akb48-live-in-afa-x-singapore_30.html more after the ju...
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17 November 2010

SKE48 [1!2!3!4! Yoroshiku!] updates

     Hihi I'm back. Been having post AKB depression since after they left on Friday. That's the reason for the lack of updates. Really sorry about that, Will write about the experience in a later post. Now on to more pressing matters: SKE48's 4th Single [1!2!3!4! Yoroshiku!], which releases tomorrow.      Some minor changes about SKE48's newest Single, the name has been changed from [1,2,3,4, Yoroshiku!] to [1!2!3!4! Yoroshiku!]. Unfortunately the name change was a tad late and some websites still use the old name though so make sure that if your searching...
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09 November 2010

AKB48 at STGCC Updates (Singapore)

More updates for Singapore AKB48 fans!Amid the excitement for this Friday's AKB48 Live at AFA X, come more updates for AKB48's special appearance at the Singapore Toy, Games and Comic Convention (STGCC) in December.Here are the updates:1) Appearance at main stage of STGCC exhibition, Hall 401-402Date: 10 Dec 2010, Friday, 1600hrsAdmission: Open to all STGCC day (Sat) and 3-day ticket holders2) “Scissors-Paper-Stone” Meet the Fans Session – celebrating new song releaseDate: 11 Dec 2010, Saturday, 1900hrs, Suntec auditorium, Level 2Admission: Open to AKB48 ticket holders (inclusive of 1 day access to STGCC on 11 Dec 2010)In line with AKB48’s new song release on 8 December 2010 in Japan, AKB48 will meet the fans in a special closed-door session. Fans will have the opportunity...
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08 November 2010

AKB48 19th Single [Chance no Junban]

     I'm sure most of you here remember the the announcement to choose the Senbatsu members for AKB48's 19th Single through a Janken Tournament. I'm sure most of you remember the outcome of it too. Doesn't seem that long ago when we were raeging on how our Oshimens didn't make it to Senbatsu. With the 18th Single Beginner successfully released about two weeks ago, it's time to shift our focus to the 19th Single. Fittingly titled [Chance no Junban] ((My) Turn by Chance), lets see how Ucchi will fare as the new Center of AKB.      Chance no Junban will be released on 8 December, only one and a half months after Beginner. For the first time ever, the Single versions will be Team based. There will be a total of 4 types: Type A, Type K, Type B, and Theater...
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08 November 2010

List of AKB48 members attending AFA X (Singapore)

WE ARE NOW DOWN TO LESS THAN 4 DAYS TO THE AKB48 LIVE, GUYS! :D So, the list of confirmed members for AKB48 "Live" at AFA X were announced on Saturday night. TEAM A: 岩佐美咲 Misaki Iwasa多田愛佳 Aika Ota片山陽加 Haruka Katayama仲川遥香 Haruka Nakagawa前田亜美 Ami Maeda TEAM K: 秋元才加 Sayaka Akimoto菊地あやか Ayaka Kikuchi野中美郷 Misato Nonaka宮澤佐江 Sae Miyazawa TEAM B: 河西智美 Tomomi Kasai小林香菜 Kana Kobayashi小森美果 Mika Komori佐藤亜美菜 Amina Sato佐藤夏希 Natsuki Sato鈴木まりや Mariya Suzuki渡辺麻友 Mayu Watanabe Source: AFA X website Since this news has been out for some time already, most probably have made their own predictions about units and such(including Melos who wrote his predictions in stage48 forums). Personally, I'm just gonna not expect anything so that I can be pleasantly surprised. FRIENDLY REMINDER! AKB48 LIVE AT AFA X 12 November,...
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04 November 2010

Wotagei Guide for AKB Concerts.

NOTICE: new version here      A guide I made for people who want to learn how to wotagei, in preparation for the upcoming AKB48 'live' at AFA X in 2 weeks! By no means is it compulsory for you to learn it. This is a guide for those who want to learn it.  1.1 - What are Wotas?      WOTA (ヲタ), pronounced as OO-TA, are fans of Japanese Female Idols. The name originated from the word OTAKU, which are fans of anime and manga. WOTA was once known as 'Idol Otaku', but to differentiate themselves from the normal Otaku they changed the name slightly to 'Wota'. 1.2 - What is Wotagei?      If you watch an idol concert, be it AKB48, Hello!Project, Tokyo Girls Style etc etc, you would have probably noticed some form of cheering...
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04 November 2010

AKB48 [Beginner] 1st Week Sales

Day 1: 568,095    Day 2: 112,151    Day 3: 61,863  Day 4: 26,077     Day 5: 23,109    Day 6: 22,025Week 1: 826,989      800k barrier broken! And in only 1 week! Compare this with Heavy Rotation's 1st week value of 527,336, Holy shiet it went up by 300k! This is an truly an amazing feat! AKB is on a roll.      Beginner is the third AKB48 Single to sell more than 500k in it's opening week, making them the first female artist to have 3 consecutive Singles to do so. The previous record of 2 consecutive...
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30 October 2010

AKB48 Meet the Fans Session (Singapore)

Just when we thought it couldn't get any better than AKS actually caring about us enough to come here and have a concert, it does.Singapore fans, rejoice!Yesterday morning, the Singapore Toy, Games and Comic Convention(STGCC for short), updated their website with an AKB48 banner with the words "MEET AKB48, JAPAN'S LEADING IDOL GIRL GROUP".Commence fan spazzing now. Yes, I literally held my breath when I saw the news when I was in tutorial class.Here are the details known so far about the event:Look out for AKB48’s appearance (up to 5 girls) at STGCC main stage on Friday (10 Dec 2010). For die-hard fans, be mesmerised by 12 – 16 girls at their meet the fan session on Saturday (11 Dec 2010). Duration: up to 1.5 hoursCost: S$30.00 (limited seats available, includes same day access to STGCC...
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29 October 2010

AKB48 [Beginner] 2nd & 3rd Day Sales

2nd Day: 112,151          3rd Day: 61,863Total Sales so far: 742,109     Only 3 days and Beginner breaks the 700k barrier!! I'm so proud of them ;___; . Watching them grow since 10nen Zakura, back then when their first day was still 20k and their first week was still 60k. And a year ago I started by blog with a post about RIVER's incredible 1st day sales. I still remember the hype from that day. Compared to now, that figure looks so small. Man have they grown a lot. I know I already said this but might as well say it again: AKB is on...
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28 October 2010

AKB48 [Beginner] 1st Day Sales

And the number is...... 568,095!!!!!   568k copies of Beginner sold in one day!!!!! Holy shit is that awesome or what! Half a million sold! Not only did they raze through the 1st day sales for Heavy Rotation (340k), but they smashed through it's 1st week too (527k)!! AKB48..... breaking records every time    Beginner sets a new record for the highest first day sales figure for a Single since Oricon began announcing daily sales data. That's not all, Arashi's Single Monster previously set this year's record for first week sales with figures 543,000. AKB48 already passed...
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27 October 2010

AKB48 [Beginner] updates

UPDATED 27 Oct: Added in Beginner Original PV      Tomorrow is the release day for AKB48's new Single Beginner. I can't wait! Whose not excited? Well I can tell you who isn't: Arashi fans. Why you ask? AKB48's 18th Single "Beginner" shipped a total of 1.03 million copies of first pressing.      Holy shit 1.03 million first press shipped to stores!!! That's a 350k jump from Ponytail to Shushu (650,000)!!! AKB is on a roll! But how does Arashi fit into this you ask? Well if you take a look at this chart which shows the Oricon Yearly Singles ranking. 01 -...
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24 October 2010

Yokoyama Yui promoted to Team K, Suzuki Shihori is back!

     Announced at the AKB48 Tokyo Aki Matsuri concert, AKB48 9th gen Kenkyuusei Yokoyama Yui was promoted to Team K. Her promotion was to fill the empty spot left behind by Ono Erena's graduation from the group on the 27th last month. Yui has come a long way to being a full-fledged member, she previously auditioned for SKE48's Team KII but was rejected in the 3rd round.      Also during the concert, the 11th gen Kenkyuuseis made their appearance. Ex-Kenkyuusei (7th gen) Suzuki Shihori, who left the group on August last year, is one of them. Shihorin...
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22 October 2010

AKB48 'live' in AFA X (Singapore)

   AKB48 will be coming to Singapore as part of Anime Festival Asia 2010 (also know as AFA X). The event falls on the 13 and 14 of November and is the biggest Anime Convention in SouthEast Asia (or so I am told).    AKB48 will be appearing as a special part of Cool Japan, which under AFA X. They will have a concert on 12 November, starting around 7PM for around 1 hour 30 mins at the Suntec City Convention Center in Hall 402. A total of 16 members will be coming over for their first concert in Singapore. The member list has not been finalized however, and will be released...
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22 October 2010

SDN48 1st Single [GAGAGA]

   SDN48's major debut Single [GAGAGA] will be released on 24 November, just a week after SKE48 will release their 4th Single 1!2!3!4! Yoroshiku!. The Single will have 3 versions: Type A, Type B and Theater version. GAGAGA will be released under the label Universal Records.    The Senbatsu for GAGAGA was decided through an election by the fans back in September, and the member's position in the election would determine their position and screen time in the PV. (refer to this post). The center is Ohori Megumi. Fukuyama Sakura, who was 12th place in the election (and therefore...
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