AKB48 has created a YouTube channel with the "Seiken Housou" videos of all the candidates for the AKB48 3rd Senbatsu General Election. "Seiken Housou" in English is "broadcast of political views". A more understandable explanation would be "campaign video".
Link: http://www.youtube.com/AKB48SEIKENHOSO
There are videos of each and all of the 152 members participating, nicely separated into Teams. Each member is given approximately 1 minute to promote themselves.
Remember to vote for the members you support! Voting will start on 24 May 2011, and will last until 8 June 2011. Voting tickets are included all copies, except theater, of AKB48's 21st Single Everyday, Kachuusha.
are those new videos or just the old videos from last year's election?
Arrgh shouldn't write stuff just after waking up.
Those videos are new ones of course.
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