Well it's no surprise after the recent AKBINGO! (100310), the episode which got fans both male and females squealing. The theme for this AKBINGO! is called "DANSO" which is something like crossdressing. The girls are supposed to dress up (wigs too) as IKEMEN (handsome) girls and do a skit. An example is the guest judge invited on the right of the Bad Boys. She's a female but she looks like a cool guy (I wouldn't have noticed if they didn't announce it). There are a total of four contestants and the winner will be chosen by audience (the twenty girls not taking part). For this post I will be focusing on, like the title says, Contestant no. 3: Matsui Rena. Though Mariko won the round (by 1 score) and was also quite good, it was RenaBoy who stole my heart. There's also another reason why I'm doing this post. Continue reading and see why.
You can download it from Hello!Online or watch it on YouTube subbed.
More after the jump
So before Rena appears on the catwalk, the Bad Boys ask fellow Matsui what she thinks.

(Actually that's what I'm thinking too. How can a princess-like girl like Rena look IKEMEN?)

And our audience (and those people watching too, males included) squeals.

Rena: "This is embarassing!"
Sata: "What about you Takahashi."
Takamina: "I think she should stay as a man. I was so excited!"

Jurina: "The truth is, I didn't vote for her. I do think she is cool and loved the part with her silhouette, but I still see her as Rena."
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you were squealing just now too!

Rena: "So... Can I shoot her?"
Oh Rena! You can shoot me anytime!

Amina: "It's a strike. I want to marry her."
Sata: "You can't resist?"
Amina: "I can't."
Sata: "Based on the 3 participants shown already, where would you rank her?"
Amina: "1st"
YEAH! Nothing better than my Oshimen agreeing with me.
Sata: "What about you Takajo?"
Akicha: "Those black hair, in white, it's definitely my type."
And the guest judge?
QUEEN DOLCE: "Her face suits the image of a calm and gentle guy perfectly."
And there you go. And well what do you know. I have a new no. 1 (tied). Sorry Sayaka.
(Credits to tokyolucifer, hina, draco)